A implicação do educador diante do TDAH: repetição do discurso médico ou construção educacional?




The following research presents a critical investigation of the Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), prioritizing its manifestation in the school space. Even with all the polemics and uncertainty (diagnostic, epidemiologic and etiologic ones) which overlay it, the ADHD shows itself as a privileged diagnosis to justify and name the present school problems, as the school failure and the behavioral deviation. This diagnosis has been propitiating the current access way of the medical discourse to the education, strengthening the pathologization and school issues medicalization phenomena. Such phenomena, as it identifies immediately the deficit on the child, makes it impossible an educational discussion, propitiating the search of external solutions inaccessible to the education. Its observed that the dissemination and the consolidation of this nosologic category depend on the appropriation, by other groups, of this medical discourse. In this case, beyond the appropriation, its requested from the educators an implication, since it is based on the position of these professionals that such discourse is propagated in the school space. This way, what is questioned in this essay is exactly the implication of the educator front the ADHD, which can be manifested in a way to repeat the medical discourse or in a way to build an educational response. This research has had as main objective to investigate the educatorsrepresentations front this disorder, because its after how the educator represents the ADHD that it will implicate with this symptomatology in its pedagogical practice. As a theoretical apparatus, using Social Representation theory and through the use of three methodological resources free evocation, interviews and focus group and the contributions of psychoanalysis to education. In the research results, it was observed through the representative constructions of the educators, that the ADHD is seen less as pathology, being more associated with school deviant behaviors that mark the current school setting. This justifies the high incidence of this diagnosis in recent times, in the referred context, and suggests that the ADHD child is the current prototype of the "problem child". It was also observed that, even with the high incidence and persistence of the statement of the medical discourse in relation to the referred disorder, it is believed in the existence of other forms of evidence it, since the nosological entity is still uncertain. The conclusion suggests the search for the discussion, or for the nonsense, so the problem is accepted and the consensus is not forced, and this is the most viable exit for the construction of an educational response to ADHD.


educação teses. psicologia educacional. representações sociais. psicologia. fracasso escolar. deficiências do desenvolvimento distúrbio da falta de atenção com hiperatividade. psicanalise do adolescente.

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