A imagem da violência : causas e efeitos traumáticos em vítimas da violência em espaços públicos / THE IMAGE OF VIOLENCE:causes and traumatic effects on victms of violence in public spaces


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research aims to identify the meanings attached to images of daily violence on the traumatic effects of twenty-two subjects, victims of violence in public spaces, who recorded police reports-BO at the 2 Police District in the period from July 5 to 14, 2010, in Fortaleza-CE. The study is qualitative: Research-Intervention in Psychoanalysis, by considering the fundamental importance of the transfer, listening and creation of social ties, embedded in theoretical and discursive elements, such as trauma, discomfort, enjoyment and others. The technique consisted in hearing about traumatic experiences evoked in the presentation of images of violence, consumption city life. Concepts from Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis were used, as well as authors from other fields of knowledge such as philosophy and sociology, to analyze the impact of violence and its aftermath in subjectivity. The survey showed that the capitalist discourse betrays the figure offered by postmodernity, in which violence manifests systemically through the absolutism of the market, the media power and legitimacy of the advances of technoscience. In this scenario, the self expands under the tyranny of the imagination to forge the reduction of a body subject to their biological condition of the prisoner - under the plot of the images. Mechanisms by which excess consumption is engendered as a way to dope the subject by repeating a pleasure to distribute unlimited illusions of completeness and totalitarian satisfaction . A condition in which the myth of Narcissus comes as a paradigm of the contemporary subject. At the end of the investigation the changes in the constitution of social bonds in our time were discussed, as well as the causes and the traumatic effects that the subjects assigned to the daily violence. Keywords: Violence, Trauma, Social Bond, Image, Public Space.


violÊncia - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes laÇo social - dissertaÇÕes tratamento e prevencao psicologica

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