A (im)possivel tradução de Finnegans Wake : uma investigação psicanalitica




The key motivation of this thesis was a singular literary work - Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce - and the several issues it raises related to language and especially to translation. Joyce s work imposes a different reading process, apart ITomwhat we generally consider to be reading and interpretation of texts in general, as well as literary texts. Psychoanalysis, represented mainlyby texts by Freud and Lacan, was considered an ideal way of approaching this text which, at the same time, is similar to and different ITomunconscious formations such as dreams and verbaljokes, poetry - as conceived by psychoanalysis- and the productions of psychotic subjetcs. The first chapter presents a comparison between Finnegans Wake and these formations, which put in evidencethe unconscious at work in language. The second chapter links this psychoanalytical perspective to translation, based on the book Letra a Letra, by Jean Allouch, in which the author proposes, by means of the topology of the Borromean rings, that there is an interdependence between translation and two other operations, transcription and transliteration. The third chapter analyses Joyce s writing in view of the three operations proposed by Allouch. Translations of some excerpts of Finnegans Wake into Portuguese are also analysed, aiming at indicating some points of impossibility.This analysis tries do show that if, according to what Lacan proposes, James Joyce has a singularpsychological make-up, which is neither that of a psychotic nor that of a neurotic, then this singularity must be inscribed in his own work and that, exactly in these points of inscription, translation becomes impossible. The thesis tries to show that, if translation faces some limits, these limits are determined by the incidence of the two other operations, transcription and transliteration. On the other hand, translation can not be considered in isolation, being always supported by the two other operations. If translation has been generally theorized based on the opposition form/sense, this work proposes to consider it in a triple, constituted by form/sense/non-sense


tradução e interpretação inconsciente

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