A identificação na contemporaneidade : a relação entre o corpo e o olhar / The ID in the present:THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BODY AND LOOK




In this research we intend to study the identification process which is characteristic of contemporaneity. Interest in this topic has arisen from the belief that apparatuses today which confer values such as family, religion, sex and socio-economical status lose their power of expressing who the individual is. What is gradually becoming central to the subjective experience today are attitudes which pertain caring for the body. The latter takes on a great and important value in social relations. Our work consists of a theoretical study based upon psychoanalysis on identification. In other words, we begin by discussing the constitutive aspects pertaining to the construction process of an identity, considering the fundamental reference to the body. This paper contains three chapters: in the first one we deal with the issue of the bodys centrality, the overvaluation of an aesthetic pattern of thinness, youth and body perfection and the connection between this perfect body with the possibility of happiness. In addition, we see indistinctly the mutant character of the body, which loses the statute of fatality conditioning the individuals life. The body now becomes a reality which can be transformed according to the individuals will. In the second chapter we shall address the matter of visibility intrinsically connected to the ideal of a young and slim body, since the individuals recognition depends on how others see them, once the individuals worth is defined by their appearance. In the third chapter we shall address the Freudian theory of identification, considering two levels of analyses, the first pertaining the cultural ideals and the latter relationships with peers. We have concluded that the identification process in contemporaneity is less driven by the cultural ideals than by how individuals are seen by peers, considering that body appearance becomes the principle of social relevance. Keywords: identification, psychoanalysis, body, visibility, contemporaneity.


identidade (psicologia) - dissertacoes psicanÁlise - dissertaÇÕes corpo e mente - dissertaÇÕes tratamento e prevencao psicologica

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