A identidade profissional docente do ensino superior




This study it is come back toward professional identity of the professor in superior education. I searched to understand as the professors who act in the formation of teaching professional futures construct its professional identity, as well as exploring the relation and the perception that these professors has of its to make professor and if they perceive while multiplying of this to make. The study object was the teaching professional identity, understanding it as full of values and attributes of the personal and social identity. This understanding was from the studies of Dubar, NÃvoa, Pimenta and Anastasiou, Sauza and Hall, such authors had been used as main, however not exclusive tools of analysis. I took as methodologic guiding the qualitative boarding. I chose as place of search for the inquiry the Universidade do Estado do ParÃ. The way used for collection of information was histories of life of four operating professors in licenciatura courses. The research disclosed that: the behaviors, the attitudes and the representations of the proper professors on itself and about its professional careers had been in frequent change to the long one of the time; The professional trajectory of each professor resulted of investments in the personal and professional sphere; The social, economic context, politician, ethical, cultural and human were condicionantes of alteration in the identities; The professors keep motivated in search to knowledge; The histories of life had disclosed crises of personal identities and professional and in the interior of these crises it had developments of the professors while people and professionals teaching


teaching formation saberes professional identity personal identity identidade profissional to make formaÃÃo docente to know educacao identidade pessoal fazeres

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