A Idéia de Justiça e a Formação da Cidade Ideal na República de Platão / THE IDEA OF JUSTICE AND THE FORMATION OF THE IDEAL CITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF PLATO


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study herein presented proposes an analysis on the concept of justice and about the formation of the ideal city offered in The Republic by Plato. In order to achieve this goal some parts of Plato works were read and analyzed with the intention to comprehend his political project, which means, the formation of the philosopher-king or king-philosopher and the setting of the ideal city. The first chapter was dedicated to the research of the characteristics of the Plato political project offered in the Lecture VII thus it has autobiographic traces which presents the attempts of implementing the ideal government in Syracuse during the tenures of Dionysius, the old and Dionysius, the young. After this, it was realized an analysis on The Republic, the main work of this philosopher because of its wideness and diversity of subjects; and it is where it is possible to find some approaches over the central topics of the discussion herein proposed: the concept of justice and ideal city. And finally it was attempted to analyze the concept of justice and the formation of the ideal city, having as point of departure the citizen education presented in the dialogue The Republic. In this moment, it was analyzed as well the elements considerated harmful to the ethical formation of the citizens which are the passion and the tragic poetry. In this last point, it was realized the confrontation amongst Platos different points of view included in The Republic and in Ion (a previous work)


Ética platão filosofia república justiça cidade ideal ideal city republic justice plato ethics

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