A horizontalização da cooperação técnica internacional: o caso das funções essenciais de saúde pública no Brasil




This thesis aims to analyze the international technical cooperation as a space of struggle for power. It discusses international cooperation in Brazil in the Health area as a differentiated type when compared to the traditional model of technical cooperation. This traditional model of cooperation, marked by a strong asymmetry with regards to the power relation between the donor and the receiver of the cooperation, is contradicted in the case study presented: the cooperation for the adaptation of Public Healths essential functions in Brazil, jointly developed by PAHO/WHO, the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the National Council of State Health Secretaries (CONASS). The case study allows us to conclude that an explanation for this Brazilian differentiation is due to the existence of a hegemonic thought in the health area that is, the Health Reform which operates in the empowerment of the Country in its negotiations with International Organizations for the establishment of a horizontal technical cooperation. Finally, a concept of horizontal international technical cooperation is elaborated.


política de saúde cooperação internacional ciencias sociais

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