A Hora da Estrela: o eu e o outro um estudo da dêixis e da alteridade




This essay aimed to analyse, throughout a linguistics and speech readings, the subject of identity in A Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector. The identity matter is presented, in her novel, such as possible faces in a contemporaneous world, constituted of several levels of different elements. But concomitantly, those levels are related one to another, through insularity of the individuals and the lack of reference and individual fragmentary. This research will intend to depict how the poetical speech operates on crystallized ideologicals formations in the capitalist society, reproducing, therefore, in the speeches, the process of human beings with an absence of essential nature. The deictics, will be privileged, whereas there are uncountable narrative resources, and those ones will be invested for the comprehension of their perform in the narrative, excluding individuals, and hence, they create in themselves, the feeling of annulling. The concept of dêixis will also be exploitated, functioning as indicators of the ideological narrators assuming, composed in the enunciating of the text , related to other person, offering evidence about the social segregation in the narrative. Throughout our understanding effort, we will observe that the deictics permeate the environmental representative speeches which point to the main character, Macabéa, like an unconscious and marginalized person, and the whole process will render difficulty, this way, the construction of her own identity. Tying the deictics analyse and the concept of alterity, Rodrigo S.M., the narrator, shows up in the plot, depicting his perception concerning to the other (Macabéa), (re) building, this way, the main episodes of the exchangeable identities. Is will be observed that the narrators construction of identity is established in the postponement and the refusal of his recognizing about himself , manifested, essentially, through a speech supported in a deictic roundly application.


dêixis identidade alteridade alterity linguistica dêixis identity

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