A história social do movimento olímpico brasileiro no início do século XX / The social history of the brazilian olympic movement in the begining of the XX century




The participation in the Olympic Games is conditioned to the existence of a National Olympic Committee. The creation of these committees is a controversial aspect in the Olympic Movement since it is subjected to the choice of a national delegate for the International Olympic Committee, and that this choice is not democratic. Investigating the modern sport formation and the social characteristics that have influenced national and international Olympic Movement foundations, this research aims to identify the reasons that led Brazil to create two Brazilian Olympic Committees, and the implications of the brazilian sportive organization history in the present days. The references for the study were newspapers such as "Jornal do Brasil", "Jornal dos Sports", "O Estado de São Paulo" and "Diário de São Paulo" from the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s, and the files and manager board acts from Club Athletico Paulistano. The brazilian progress trough the Olympic Movement starts in 1912 and received a major Portuguese influence by its Olympic members, and also by the oligarchic nature of the IOC. The second BOC foundation in 1935 is marked by brazilian sports institutionalization and the resulting disputes for different sports representation


história history olympics olimpismo sport cob brazilian olympic committee esporte

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