A globalização do mercado de periódicos científicos eletrônicos e os consórcios de bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras: desafios à democratização do conhecimento científico. / The globalization of the market of electronic scientific journals and the consortium of Brazilian academic libraries: challenges for democratization of the scientific knowledge.




The research aimed at evaluating the consortia activities in terms of its performance as social instruments of democratization and broadening of scientific information access, by means of its policies of collection development. A case of study of brazilian University libraries’ consortia for the acquisition of scientific journals was carried out. By means of a dialectal point of view as a way to develop new knowledge and methodology for this research’s subject matter, an analyses of the electronic globalization’s social and economic context was performed, as for the growing of social exclusion, and the change in the flow of scientific knowledge towards a digital culture. The analysis above struggles to check implicit and explicit relations affecting collection development and widening a trend, marked by the gravity of current digital exclusion in Brazil. Research findings revealed that : the presence of scientific publishers monopoly power and the lower budgets of the brazilian libraries in the nineties, have restricted consortia’s purposes as well as blocked likely long-term social gains; challenges for collection development through cooperative activities still persist among them, the strenghtening of marketing actions performed by those participating libraries, allowing greater electronic resources dissemination, as well as greater negotiation posssibilities between consortium and monopolies in the scientific periodicals market ; lack of new libraries consortia embracing other types of documents – non-scientific journals – associated with public and regional libraries, allowing knowledge democratization to greater extents of society, minimizing digital exclusion.


globalization bibliotecas digitais consórcios de bibliotecas (brasil) digital apartheid digital libraries library consortia (brazil) electronic scientific journals globalização periódicos científicos eletrônicos exclusão digital

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