A ginástica na escola e na formação de professores.




The thesis composes the scientific production of the Program of Pos-Graduation in Education of the College of Education, of the Federal University of the Bahia. One inserts in the line "Physical Education, Sport and Leisure", Group of Research LEPEL/FACED/UFBA. Part of in general criticizes to the work and its expression in the pedagogical work, in special in the treatment with the knowledge of the gymnastics in the public school and the course of formation of professors of physical education. It objectified to consider elements theoreticianmethods to face the contradiction of the exclusion/ inclusion of such knowledge in the school. A theoretical base of the inquiry is the relation "work - education" that allowed to verify and to argue with that scientific, pedagogical arguments and technician, or either, with that base theoretician-methods, the gymnastics is present or not in the pertaining to school resumes and the formation of professors to the long one of history. The data collected in the exploration studies and through participant comments and document analysis had demonstrated that the treatment with the knowledge of the gymnastics in the formation of professors and the public school is submitted to the logic of organization of the work process in general and in special the proper pedagogical work of the capitalist school. In we ask on the possibilities of essence and the references to them theoretician-methods to modify the organization of the pedagogical work and the treatment with the knowledge of the gymnastics in the public school and the formation of professors. Of the bibliographical in-fact and revisions we raise hypotheses that if articulate between itself. The first one in on the basis of says that to the long one of history, in accordance with the necessities of the organization of the work in general and the necessities of the hegemonic historical project, the gymnastics was being enclosed excluded of the resumes, scientific, pedagogical arguments and technician to them, contributing for the socialization of the diligent classroom. Another hypothesis is of that the current exclusion of the knowledge of the gymnastics of the public school and its inconsistency in the formation of professors answers the demand placed for beyond the related school the form as if the a relation work-capital in the present time. Another hypothesis is of that essence possibilities exist to modify the organization of the pedagogical work and the treatment with the knowledge of the gymnastics, basis in a perspective of emancipation education and the historical project surpassed of the current relations work-capital, but its object still demands construction of objective conditions not gifts in the public school and the formation of professors. The thesis that we defend, from the explication theory of the relations workeducation and the collected empirical data is of that essence possibilities exist to modify the organization of the pedagogical work and the logic in the treatment with the knowledge of the gymnastics, but will have that to be constructed the objective conditions inexistent in the capitalist school as it is the methods unit, or unit in education, the consideration of the socially useful work as I begin educative and the socialist historical project as basis for a emancipation education. The study it evidenced that the changes of objective structures in the way of capitalist production pass for strategies subjective effective and actions in all the scopes of the life human being, also in the treatment with the knowledge of the gymnastics in the public school and the formation of professors.


trabalho pedagógico trato com o conhecimento culture formation of professors cultura corporal treatment with the knowledge educacao work pedagogical gymnastics ginástica formação de professores

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