This paper has the aim to examine the actual stage of the process of development of Human Resources (HR) function and if the roles, required or existing, attend the expectations of the stratus concerned, helping in the search of better results to the companies and for those who work there. On this context, it was based on the premise that the increasing partner-cultural alterations and the constant technological advance experimented in the world, beyond the modifications of the life conditions, modify the conditions of work and expectations of convivence among the people and their organizations, demanding that the Human Resources search for performance alternatives to line up its strategies to the organizations ones where it acts and making that the system of management of people can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. One searched to analyze if what an organization does and how it does is factor that distinguishes it from the others, if its specialization and abilities let it more capable, if this capacity becomes it more competent and technique and if, in this set, the postural positioning of Human resources is adjusted. Also it tried to analyze the performance of diverse public of interest, as the involved ones in the labor party-syndical activities and if the new elements of the corporative governance are defining of strategical performance for the professionals of the studied area. In the concepts above, it was studied theories and facts that summarized and explained what it is known on the studied object, classified them and systemize them as presented in the empirical reality and selected those to be studied, in the attempt to search and to foresee new characterizations of the roles played for Human resources, that better clarify them. The analysis of the theoretical surveys strengthened the importance of the competitive advantages for the enterprise success and the necessity that specialized people can become more productive in the search of these advantages, the assurance that these people must be prepared to act in demanding and complex contexts and the alert that the strategic performance of HR is basic in the solidification of this new profile of the employees. The diverse operational functions attributed the Human resources, among them the administration of the infrastructure and the management of the contribution of the employees, must be complemented, now, with the so-called strategic functions, generating value, distinguishing the aid in the definition of the enterprise strategies and its translation in action of transformation and change. Moreover, it was verified the increasing concern of authors in uniting the recent concepts of corporative governance to this strategic function of Human resources.(AU)


globalização corporative governance governança corporativa influência sindical cultura organizacional gestão estratégica de pessoas organizational culture vantagens competitivas syndical influence management of people administracao

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