A gestão de competências e sua articulação à gestão estratégica de recursos humanos: estudo de casos em organizações brasileiras e portuguesas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main objective of this work was to analyze and consider how the articulation between the Strategic Management of Human Resources and the Management of Competencies occurs in the Brazilian ironwork and energy organizations, and the Portuguese banking and telecommunication organizations, through the analysis of competency standards adopted by them. In order to reach this goal a theoretical framework was built, which covered recapturing the historical evolution of the human resource management, especially considering the Brazilian and Portuguese contexts and how this evolution affected the current configuration of human resource management. Besides that, the articulation between the human resource management and the strategy was approached through the Resource-Based View Theory of the Firm. The understanding of competencies in their multiple definitions, approaches and dimensions, and its increasing utilization as a process of organizational management was outlined. Finally, there was an attempt to integrate the theoretical discussion by approaching the articulation between the Management of Competencies and the Strategic Management of Human Resources. The methodological path was created based on a qualitative-descriptive research, using the semi-structured interview as the main instrument for the collection of data. Considering the limitations imposed by the method of research selected, the results allowed to consider that the articulation between the Strategic Management of Human Resources and the Management of Competencies of the Brazilian and Portuguese organizations, which participated in this study, reveals the existence of gaps and contradictions due to the following factors: the position, not yet effectively strategic of the management of human resources of the organizations researched, the existing contradictions between the conception of competency standards and their application, the fragility of the articulation between the competency standards and the human resource subsystems - recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, remuneration and careers, training and development -, and the strategic detachment of competency standards. Besides that, the complexity and diversity of variables is observed in the policies and practices of human resource management, and in the conception, implementation and management of the standard of competencies in the organizations.


recursos humanos teses. administração teses. eficiência organizacional teses.

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