A gente tem que ficar onde tem serviço: memórias e experiências de trabalhadores no Distrito de Tapuirama, Uberlândia / MG




This research problematizes the social experiences lived by workers in the District of Tapuirama, Uberlândia-MG. I analyze the life of people arriving from Jacobina-BA to work in the activity of extraction of resins in these municipal district. Those workers started arriving at Tapuirama in 1993 and ever since they started to compose the city through his/her culture, of their attitudes and of their values. I investigate the ways as if they relate with the one of the place, they institute coexistence and work relationships and they rebuild values and expectations and they struggle for the right of possessing. It is important to investigate the way they see each other in the social relationships, taking their social practices inserted in a larger social dynamics, without losing from sight the social tensions, the relationships of power experienced, problematizing the ways they have being elaborated memories in the living historical process. In that sense, I hope to understand as the District is noticed by antagonistic social subjects: for outside workers and local workers, for the newspapers, for the Municipal City hall of Uberlândia and for memorialist. I use as research sources the oral narratives; the press, in that I prioritize the analysis of the newspapers Correio and Primeira Hora; pictures produced by me as for the own workers; memorialists texts; minutes of the Association of Residents of Tapuirama; documents produced by the Municipal City hall of Uberlândia and maps.


trabalhadores histórias trabalhadores - uberlândia (mg) memories relações sociais memórias história social workers district of tapuirama distrito de tapuirama historia social relationships histories

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