A garantia da segurança dos alimentos pereciveis no setor supermercadista




The following work brings the analysis of guarantee of perishable food safety handled in the supermarket field, being a supermarket in the countryside of Sao Paulo state the object of this study. The researching method used was the exploratory (study of the case) one, beginning ITom the preparation of flow charts of prepared or reprocessed food in the different sections of perishable food. The Hazard Analysis was used to identify the possibility of the main biological, chemical and physical hazards, and it was taken an approaching of the process and quality management. It was observed that the different processes, that didn t show the thermal treatment as part of its stages, don t have an elimination or reduction of biological, chemical and physical hazards that hadn t been controIled by the supplier, being responsibility of the supermarket the maintenance of the quality of the product received. The introduction of biological, chemical and physical hazards during the preparing or reprocessing process must be controIled by the perfonnance of Good Practices. Regarding to the identification of critical points, aIl stages in aIl group of products can be considered as critical points, except for the labeling one that after being checked can become a Control Point (CP) or a Critical Control Point (CCP), depending on the way they wiIl be controIled, by the Good Practices or the APPCC system, respectively. If the supermarket doesn t take a Suppliers QualifyingProgram and doesn t perform, at least, the Good Practices, the customer wiIl be constantly exposed to different biological, chemical and physical hazards that may occur in alI the different groups of products studied. The supplier, the supermarket and the customer are responsible by the consumption of a safe food, being part of the same chain of responsibilities. Regarding to the process and quality management, the main guidelines recommended to the supermarket for food safety are: consider the supplier as an extension of the preparing or reprocessing process of perishable food; establish that qualifying of suppliers is a pre-request to any decisions on prices and purchasing; visualize the supermarket, internaIly, as a group of interdependent and interlinked processes that must be managed by a systemic approaching and elaborate a program of management and certification of quality and integrated food systems


segurança alimentar controle de processo supermercados

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