A fundação escrituraria do Rio de Janeiro




The aim of this work is to put forward a case study of the auto Na festa de São Lourenço (ca.1583), identifying rhetorical and political-theological topoi that aligns this jesuitical practice to the implantation of a portuguese colonial project in Brazil during the 16th century. Therefore we assume that the jesuitical writing is not only a simple mediation of significations, but it is itself a colonization device that controls time and memory, producing bodies integrated to the portuguese foundation project of a Christian city in Brazil. In order to further analyze this auto we will use other texts such as letters, Flos sanctorum, and the epic poem, also attributed to Anchieta, De rebus gestis Mendi de Saa (1563), coming to understand the auto itself, as well the jesuitical textual practices, as a kind of a “scriptural foundation” of Rio de Janeiro.


literatura brasileira teatro brasileiro colonização

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