A função normativa do Poder Executivo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims at examining the normative function of the Executive Branch- here understood as the constitutional competence to issue general and abstract legal norms both (1) primary, which may innovate the legal system and have the power to create duties and (2) secondary, which would be subordinate to previous laws and which would only be able to expand the commands to the extend necessary to producing the effects such laws intend. The understanding and the determining of the normative function of the Executive Branch asks for an interpretation of principles and rules of the Federal Constitution, above all of those principles of (1) legality and of the (2) separation of Powers and State functions. That is the reason why the first chapter establishes the method of constitutional interpretation adopted in this thesis. The principles of (1) administrative legality and of the (2) separation of Powers and State functions are dealt with in chapters II and III, respectively. They aim at showing that, according to the Constitution of 1988, the legality to which the Executive Branch is subject must be construed as the subjection to the constitutional system and not as unmitigated subjection to specific laws. These chapters also suggest that the normative function of the State is shared by the three Powers and that it is not an exclusive prerogative of the Legislative. In chapter IV, the normative function of the Executive branch is examined in detail, including an analysis of (1) provisional measures, (2) delegated laws, (3) executive regulations, (4) autonomous regulations in the case of article 84, VI of the Federal Constitution, and (5) authorized regulations within the boundaries of an authorizing law, special attention being paid to items 4 and 5. Finally, conclusions - which are exposed throughout this thesis are made into a system in Chapter V


direito função normativa do poder executivo poder executivo direito administrativo normative function of the executive branch

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