A função de monocitos em individuos expostos a silica




The inhalation of silica partic1es leads to silicosis and the development of a chronic inflammatory disease involving granuloma formation and pulmonary fibrosis. In this work, we have evalueted the chemotaxis, CRI and CRJ mediated phagocytosis, and superoxide anion production of monocytes from 21 individuaIs who had experienced chronic exposure to silica and have compared the results with those from 15 unexposed individuals.In the former group, the median spontaneous monocyte migration distance was 27.9µ while that following stimulation by normal and patient s serum was 66.9 and 62.9µ in the presence of LPS, respectively. The corresponding values for monocytes from normal individuaIs were 28.8, 61.2 and 61.2µ. The monocyte phagocytic index in the presence of culture medium, normal serum and patient s serum was 14.0, 69.6 and 71.1, respectively, for the silica exposed individuaIs and 17.5, 68.5 and 68.5 for cells from unexposed persons. The median zymosan partic1e phagocytic capacity of patients monocyte in culture medium, normal serum and patient s serum was 134.3, 385.3 and 390.0, respectively, while the corresponding values for normal cells were 128.3, 365.3 and 362.3. The spontaneous production of superoxide anions was 4.0 and 3.3 nM/1O6cels/h in silica exposed and unexposed monocytes while in presence of zymosan these values were 9.2 and 9.5 nM/I06cels/h, respectively. ln none ofthe above monocyte function tests was there any significant difference between the cells fron silica-exposed and unexposed individuaIs. There was also no correlation between any of the tests results and the radilogical c1assification, length of exposure, or antecedents of tuberculosis. These results therefore suggest that silica initiates an immune response that is modulated and controlled within the lung although there may be subsequent discrete systemic manifestations


imunidade celular silica monocitos

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