A fronteira clinica-prevenção : por uma outra analitica do poder / The border clinic-prevention : another analytical of the power




This dissertation seeks affirm the relationship between knowledge and clinical preventive as constitutive relation of the field of health from the Modernity. From this statement, maps the changes in the relationship between these two knowledge from the analysis of diagrams of power that you are contemporary. To make such mapping, was necessary to produce a methodological apparatus that this account to examine the changes of strategies of power throughout Modernity and the contemporary. For both, were used extensively the ideas of Foucault, but also of other authors who have extended, and expanded the thought foucaultiano - basically Gilles Deleuze, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Study therefore it at first, the strategies to be able to own Diagram Disciplinary and ways clinical and preventive this context, and the relationship between them. Here you can find the relationship as clinical and preventive based in the structuring of the field of health from the Modernity. Assembling with the strategies and anatomical this diagram, clinical and prevention work in order articulated aimed produce and manage individuals and collectivities, properly connected so dichotomized, under the logic of the standard. The last time the work visa accompany the transition occurred in the strategies of power sovereign expressed from decades of 1960 and 1970. The study of the passage of the Disciplinary Diagram for what many authors have called Control’s Society serve here, as a way of understanding the changes in the relationship between clinical and prevention nowadays. The blurring of borders (between health and disease, cure and prevention, and risk real damage), the invisibility of power and desmaterialisation are the characteristics strongest of the border-prevention clinic today. One control that is not more for exclusion and inclusion, but that operates by continuous modulation of the states themselves healthy, and that prescinde continuous control of the institutions and of the actions of the Modernity own health to make.


power (social sciences) clinica medica internal medicine poder (ciencias sociais) prevention prevenção

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