A frequency analysis of neuronal activity in monkey thalamus, motor cortex and electromyograms in wrist oscillations.


1. Extracellular recordings were made in three monkeys while recording from neurones in the motor cortex (eighty-four cells), ventro-posterior lateralis pars caudalis (VPLc, forty-two cells) and cerebellar thalamus (seventy-seven cells). 2. This experiment was designed to produce active and reflex movements of varying velocities in order to study the relationship between amplitude of velocity and magnitude of neuronal discharge of thalamic neurones. The active movements were voluntary rapid alternating movements (RAMs) of the wrist and the reflex movements were produced by forcibly oscillating the wrist joint between frequencies of 1 and 7 Hz (forced oscillations). 3. This study was also designed to examine cerebellar influences on a reflex path, namely the transcortical reflex loop. Forced oscillations were predicted to provide circumstances where active damping was required to prevent excessive oscillations in the reflex path. Rapid alternating movements of the wrist were predicted to provide circumstances where oscillations at the natural frequency in that reflex path would support and propagate the movements. 4. Forced oscillations from 1 to 7 Hz produced movements of different velocities. VPLc and cerebellar thalamic neurones discharged in relation to the duration of movement in a particular direction, but their discharge levels were unrelated to the magnitude of the velocity. Motor cortex neurones fired in a pattern which was related to the timing but not the magnitude of the acceleration. 5. In forced oscillations of the wrist the resonant frequency was between 3 and 7 Hz. They may be controlled in part by a transcortical reflex. The cerebellar thalamic neurones did not fire before motor cortex neurones. Therefore, it is unlikely that the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathway is necessary to damp these potentially unstable oscillations by an effect on antagonist-related cortical neurones. 6. Rapid alternating movements (RAMs) of monkeys' wrists were performed in a stereotyped fashion over a narrow range of frequencies with the greatest displacement in joint angle and peak velocity at the natural frequency of 3-5 Hz. 7. During the performance of RAMs, neuronal discharge modulated sinusoidally in the VPLc, cerebellar thalamus and motor cortex. There was no relationship between velocity and neuronal discharge of the cerebellar thalamic and motor cortical neurones but there did appear to be a relationship between velocity and VPLc neuronal discharge. 8. The onset of electromyogram (EMG) discharge changed earlier than neuronal discharge in the motor cortex and thalamus during the performance of RAMs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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