A formação e o desenvolvimento de competências dos tecnólogos no mundo do trabalho




This paper addresses lhe issue of higher education. The objective of this research is to understand lhe notionof competence of students and teachers of a course of technology in financial management. The curriculumof technology courses is based on skills, covering expertise in lhe field of knowledge, know-how(the practice of lhe profession) and how to be with other people (want to), for lhe training of competentprofessionals to meet requirements in lhe world of work. Participants were responding to a questionnaire,80 students last semester of technology in financial management as well as 30 teacherswho teach this same course completed lhe questionnaire. Students responses indicate lhe search for a specific training quickly to continue lhe company and pursue a career in finance. Teachers realize lhe importance of complementary courses and lhe development of behavioral altitudesto lhe technologist training in financial management


competência trabalho tecnologia -- estudo e ensino (superior) psicologia educacional work formação tecnológica competence technological training desempenho tecnologos

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