A formação dos professores indígenas Suruí, no estado de Rondônia




Verses on the formation of Suruí Indian teachers in the Brazilian state of Rondonia, a formation that is intimately linked to a cultural heritage belonging to these people, as much as to federal government legislation. The method used was to process data collected from bibliographical and documental sources in confrontation with the reality experienced in loco. Results showed that the indigenous culture, fruit of a unique relation between man and nature, heritage of the Suruí, has not necessarily been understood and accepted by those responsible for legislation which, despite favoring cultural diversity, is still incipient and flawed, pretending to recover Indigenous values instead of preserving them. This results in the imposition of pedagogical methods that, despite being destined to teacher training, do not consider the different realities and necessities of the indigenous communities. Thus, teacher training and school education are massified and generalized. However the training of indigenous teachers has become a condition for quality intercultural education. And it is the indigenous teacher is responsible to political representatives as mediator and interlocutor of his community with the world external to the village. Thus it is concluded that the proposal for an indigenous school with quality specific, differentiated, bilingual, intercultural will be viable only if the Indians themselves, through their respective communities, are in the frontline of the process as teachers and managers of school praxis. In its turn, this praxis will permit critical and reflexive, conscientious and responsible participation in the different contexts in which indigenous schools are situated.


formação de professores teacher training educacao diversidade cultural cultural diversity educação escolar indígena indigenous school education

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