A formação do professor leitor: práticas de leitura em diferentes contextos




The theme reported in this research concerns about the teacher-readers formation and the reading teaching aiming at investigating the formation of the reading teacher in videoconference and in the reading social practice in group. This research aims at having a different look to the teacher-reader formation, responsible in a certain way, for cultivating the readerswill and therefore he needs to know the theories of the reading teaching and experiences new ways of reading, such as the think-aloud in group, in which the co-construction and negotiation of meanings in the interaction of the readers in group occur. The data of the research were elaborated according to the videoconference destined to the teachers of the public schools, who belong to the Programa Ler e Viver, and according to the reading social practice of the high-thinkingin group (Zanotto, 1995, 1998) in which two teachers who are finishing the course are involved with the purpose of getting the conception of reading that is in each of those practices and the theoretical and methodological theories that can be given to the teacher in formation (Kleiman, 1995; Soares, 1998). Then, I have suggested a research in which the corpus, the treatment and the data analysis are based on the qualitative research, more precisely, the Ethnographic one. The Ethnographic research can be considered the base to the reflection of how the teacher-reader formation and the reading are. As a researcher I got a different position in each of both moments: as an observer during the videoconference and as an observer-participant (Atkenson &Hammersley, 1998) in the think-aloud in group, without any intention of modifying people or the environment.


linguistica aplicada teacher-reader prática social professor-leitor social practice formatio leitura reading formação

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