A formação do gosto musical na crítica jornalística de Herbert Caro no Correio do Povo (1968-1980) : da torre de marfim ao rés do chão


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation intends to analyze how the critic Hebert Caro (1906-1991) entices the liking of classical music, considering that journalism has the mediation function of approximating readers to specialized fields and that the criticism is a fertile expression in this sense. German Jew rooted in Brazil in 1935, Caro was an active figure in Porto Alegre¿s cultural scene during the mid-twentieth century. His column Os melhores discos clássicos (The best classical records) began in February 22nd 1959, in Rio Grande do Sul¿s main newspaper at the time, Correio do Povo, and circulated weekly for more than twenty years. For this study, we used content analysis and adopted as our research corpus the years when the texts were publish in the supplement Caderno de Sábado (1967-1981). We elected a sample composed of the period in which the supplement was published for twelve months, hence excluding 1967 and 1981. We worked with 26 columns, selected after an initial reading of a universe including 466 texts. The analysis aims at identifying, at one hand, the contents mobilized by the columnist to prepare the listening of classical records and, at the other hand, the chronicle strategies used to approximate the laymen reader to classical music. It came to our attention that Hebert Caro prescribes predominantly the listening of the European classical music tradition, especially from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but also some contemporary pieces, national repertoire, folklore and ¿pop¿ ¿ seen as a starting point to develop taste. Caro¿s words always have a seduction aura to them, promising classical music as something accessible, necessary to life, and as a fountain of pleasure, knowledge and social distinction. With pedagogical intent, the critic is concerned with cementing the contact of the reader with such music, providing a listening guide, with rapid contextualization and practical orientation. The columnist also places himself as an inciter of record consumption and orientates the buy towards personal taste, novelty and signature of consecrated artists. Caro¿s explicit personal voice reinforces the credibility related to the prestige of the journalistic field that occupies and looks for an approximation to the reader. The strong liaison to the local brings the reality of the reader to the text, enticing involvement and building a portrait of the city. The informal language dissolves the sternness of classical music with diminutives, augmentatives, superlatives, proverbs, orality, play on words and analogies. We conclude that Hebert Caro was a typical man of letters. Dilettante and impressionist critic, he knew how to explore the journalistic space to translate the codes of classical music to the laymen and to stimulate the listening, putting his encyclopedic knowledge in service of the reader and orientating the consumption of classical records.


correio do povo caro, herbert, 1906-1991 journalism jornalismo cultural correio do povo (jornal) crítica musical cultural journalism musical criticism herbert caro

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