A formação de professores nos municipios da região metropolitana de Campinas / Teacher s formation in the municipalities of the metropolitan area of Campinas




This project investigates the existing policies related with the formation of teachers in the Metropolitan area of Campinas. Historical, geographical and statistics data on the constitution of the Metropolitan Area were raised. The study also tries to characterize its basic education in the way it is constituted. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was specifically elaborated to check all actions for teachers formation performed in 2003 and 2004. The diagnosis made it clear that, in one way or another, all municipalities develop diversified and comprehensive formation actions for their teachers, applying a significant amount of their budget. These actions are not limited to occasionall courses, but to a wide range of procedures varying from meetings and study groups, seminars, workshops, up to graduation and post-graduation courses to increase the initial formation of the teachers


campinas (sp) - educação formação de professores região metropolitana metropolitan area politica educacional teacher s formation educational policies campinas (sp)

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