A formação de professores e a utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação nos cursos de licenciatura da Universidade do Estado da Bahia Campus II Alagoinhas - Bahia.




This research analyses the relations established by students and teachers in education undergraduate programs of the UNEB Campus II (Bahia, Brazil) with the information and communication technologies in their academic life. Our theoretical framework points out that the presence of these technologies in the educational processes favors the professors actions, transforms relations with space and time as well as communication between students and professors. These exchanges enlarge the schoolroom space through the use of the Internet to send and receive informations. They also make possible asynchronous communication, through emails, distribution lists and other tools of the world wide web. We have used an ethnographic qualitative methodology focused on teachers formation. The fieldwork subjects were students and professors belonging to program forming teachers in biology, history, letters and mathematics. We used forms and half-structured interviews. We discovered that those who bring knowledge about Internet surfing into the classroom are the students. Their professors need to adapt themselves to what the students required which breaks the traditional school logic of content explanation. The computer area of the UNEB Campus II presents various deficiencies regarding electronic equipment and Internet access. Even with these limitations, students and professors looks for way of surpassing them with individual initiatives in the sense of introducing technologies in the programs. Our results show that it is necessary to be audacious and to overtake challenges during the initial formation of teachers as well as to share with students the easiness with which they learn and use technologies in their educational process.


licenciaturas estudantes educacao tecnologias de informação e comunicação formação do professor educations courses students information and communication technologies

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