A formaÃÃo da imagem de destinaÃÃes turÃsticas na Web : o estudo do Portal visiteportodegalinhas.com




The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate how the management of website elements from official tourism destinations relates with a positive image formation of the place, on the consumers perspective. Therefore a theoretical review was developed involving the following topics: image in marketing, studies over image on the web, image in tourism and the development of websites for image formation. The methodology chosen had a descriptive-exploratory character, in two phases, the first qualitative and the second quantitative. It was investigated the website www.visiteportodegalinhas.com. In the first phase, a desk research and semi-structured interviews were developed. The second phase was characterized by a survey with graduate students. The scale used to measure the destination image was proposed by Echtner e Ricthie (1991). In the analysis, it was used descriptive statistical techniques and hypothesis tests (MALHOTRA, 2006). The results indicated that the visits to official tourism websites prior to the visit, relates positively with the image that consumers have of these localities, and that it is possible to transmit a desired image of a tourism destination through the management of website elements. Therefore, tourism destination websites should be considered as strategic elements by destination mangers


website formaÃÃo da imagem tourism destinations image administracao destinaÃÃes turÃsticas imagem porto de galinhas websites image formation porto de galinhas

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