A finite element formulation for pseudoplastic flows / Uma formulação de elementos finitos para problemas de escoamentos pseudoplásticos




In this thesis, a stabilized mixed finite element formulation is presented, with continuous velocity and discontinuous pressure interpolations, for incompressible flow problems of pseudoplastic dominated non-Newtonian fluids. Difficulties in constructing approximations by classical formulations are discussed and numerical results are also presented for them. The new formulation is presented, mathematical analysis are done for stability and error estimates. Numerical results are presented confirming the mathematical analysis developed here. After discussing on some blood rheological aspects, and introducing a new classification range, intermediate to macro and microcirculation, this formulation is also applied to several constitutive models having pseudoplasticity as a dominated effect in the blood rheological context.


analise numerica escoamentos pseudoplásticos pseudoplastic reologia sanguínea computacional computational blood rheology

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