A filosofia, a arte e o inominavel : tres estudos sobre a dor da finitude na obra de T. W. Adorno




The present work gathers three studies on the late work of Theodor W. Adorno. They are studies dedicated to explore the bordering and frontier areas in which mimesis makes boundary with concept and philosophy approaches art. The first study turns on Negative Dialectics, investigating how the work of conceptual elaboration, properly philosophical, intend to incorporate by reflection, the hidden appeal of the corporal or sensitive momento. The second study is consecrated to the Aesthetic Theory, inquiring the adornian notion of authentic art while privileged locus of the refractory expression to the concept. Both, however, stands out that art and philosophy converge in the eftort of expression of the unnamable. If the first study assumes the perspective of philosophy and the second, of art, the third reflects the individual s point of view historically condemned, or better, of the individual existence turned in spectral in its assumed autonomy. Existence whose salvation, case still possible, goes by the painful recognition of its finitude, that is, by the painful reception of the death that the market reservesyou while autonomous existence. Although of different perspectives, all of the three studies gravitate about a same unnamable point, that we could denote for the expression "pain of the finitude ", if it achieved to project on our existence the shade of Auschwitz, with its immeasurable load of deaf pain and anonymous death


estetica dialetica sofrimento morte materialismo

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