A ficção científica no Brasil nas decadas de 60 e 70 e Fausto Cunha / Science Fiction in Brazil in the 60 -70 and Fausto Cunha




Science Fiction as a literary gender, has its roots in ancient times, period in which man used to live in a very primitive situation. They were the ancient cavemen who sought for explanations on nature events, which could promote development or destruction of a community. These histories used to be told by someone by a bonfire, inside a cave or in a field. Mankind has always aimed at reaching the stars, stepping on planets which could only be observed through lens. The moon used to be so near and therefore, it became fascination. For a long time, humankind has only been able to reach it through Science Fiction Literature. Two historical moments drive the world of literary production in this gender: Industrial Revolution, and later, space race. In Brazil the golden period of Science Fiction took place after the Second World War and in the Cold War. To many writers, in that period, Science Fiction would answer inquiries of humankind in the world and mainly in Brazil. Thus, in this essay we will be able to see its ascension and production in the sixties, as well as in the seventies in Brazil. Curiously, the gender which sells the most in cinematography industry is Science Fiction, as for example Star Wars, Bicentennial Man, etc


ficção cientifica brazilian science fiction ficção cientifica brasileira science fiction

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