A família no processo de saúde-doença no envelhecer com HIV/Aids


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Family has passed through distinct chances both in structures and functional throughout its conception some millions of years ago. Some of these chances have happen in respect to the reduction on children number in families; increase of families with no children; increase of elder people among others. All such chances, one way or another, influence social events, legal events, health and diseases one. For 31 years, society recognized a new sexually transmitted disease by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Such disease causes, not only modifications in the diseased, but also in their families when they get to know the HIV positive virus. Being it a disease that brings great prejudice and due to knowing that the diagnosis, usually, brings to the attention of one of the couples member the betrayal point. There are a few people who mention to their family the fact of being an HIV positive. Among those who talk about it, there are criteria on how to tell it to one relative and not the other and thus, such studies demonstrate that the diagnosis influences the family movements when it comes to modifications such as the relationship among relatives. As the increase of older HIV positive people take place and, as they are the oldest family members who represent the concept, being them family tradition depositaries, the aim here is to analyze their family existence from the discover of the disease on. The work is performed both in the extended family and nuclear family. This research has been performed at Ambulatório de Moléstias Infecto-Contagiosas e Parasitárias da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, where 37 elderly took part of it, being 24 men and 13 women, from 60 to 82 years old. They all signed the Free and Informed Consent Term, individually interviewed and correctly recorded, they all replied back about questions on family relations, self-care, health, and disease history and treatment adherence. Thus, they performed a family genogram on its origin pointing out to those relatives who are aware about the HIV positive virus and also regarding the relatives who are not aware about it, those who live with the HIV positive and how it is their relation with them. Results demonstrated the settled relations in the family such as the style and the way each relative behave upon the ones undertaking the responsibility to set free the news about the diagnosis. Living with the diagnosis in an individual approach is shown here in 3 elderly cases, while the diagnosis for 26 families is restricted to some members enabling this way a trust centered family inside the extended family. There are 8 families where all members know the older relative has the HIV positive virus. Finally, it is possible to verify that family living having HIV positive virus may cause changes, both positive or negative in the family dynamic basis. Positive basis have to do with love and care. Negative ones are related to those who preferred to be kept away or provoked prejudice distinctions towards the diseased. Health cares are performed usually in an independent way, with no family meddling. Also, the aim on not smoking, not drinking alcohol, having a specific diet and a healthy treatment adherence, physical activities are practiced only by a minority


psicologia idoso hiv/aids saúde relações familiares autocuidado elderly hiv/aids virus health family relations self care

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