A familia Melastomataceae na Serra do Cabral-MG : tribos Melastomeae, Merianieae e Miconieae / The family Melastomataceae in Serra do Cabral, MG: tribes Melastomeae, Merianieae and Miconieae




This study was performed in Serra do Cabral (Cerrado Biome, Central-Northern Minas Gerais State) and presents a survey on the Melastomataceae tribes Melastomeae, Merianieae Triana and Miconieae DC., including descriptions and taxonomic updating. Fieldwork was performed during 2003. In addition, the data from pre-existing herbarium specimens were included. All collected vouchers were deposited at UEC Herbarium. A total of 44 species distributed in 13 genera were recorded. The following genera of tribe Melastomeae were collected: Acisanthera P. Br. (one sp), Comolia DC. (One spp), Desmoscelis Naudin (one sp), Macairea DC. (One sp), Marcetia DC. (two spp), Pterolepis (DC.) Miq. (two spp), Siphanthera Pohl. (four spp) and Tibouchina Aubl. (six spp). Merianieae is represented by a single Merianthera Kuhlmann species. The following genera of tribe Miconieae were recorded: Clidemia D. Don. (one sp.), Leandra Raddi, (four spp), Miconia Ruiz &Pavon., (17 spp) e Tococa Aubl. (two spp). All recorded species can be found throughout all local floristic formations, especially in Campos Rupestres and Cerrados. From a floristic point of view, Serra da Canastra, Pico das Almas and Serra do Cipó were the most similar areas, sharing 22 spp. with Serra do Cabral


melastomataceae serra do cabral (mg) floristica melastomataceae floristics

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