A expansão da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa: uma análise da vertente cultural das Relações Internacionais




The globalization comes provoking significant changes in the international and inter-societies relations, increasing the interaction between cultures and bringing new problematics that demand other sources of analysis beyond the classic studies on power and national interests. This study intends to insert in this new debate of the international relations because it analyzes the cultural globalization through the expansion of the traditional chinese medicine (MTC) in the West, particularly in Brazil. It is analyzed the historical evolution of the MTC, since its remote origins until its effective expansion in the West, and its consequences. The MTC is modifying the cultural identities of the societies where it penetrates, but without provoking shocks or opposition, corroborating the theories that see in the globalization possibilities of cultural integration instead of one clash of civilizations. There is a trend, in the case of the MTC, much more for its use as a complement of Wests medical tecniques than its rejection. This interaction provokes mutations in the national medical cultures, sketching the formation of a hybrid culture.


relacoes i?internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais globalização cultural cultural globalization theories of cultural integration and conflict hibridismo cultural. teorias de integração medicina tradicional chinesa choque cultural traditional chinese medicine cultural hibridism.

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