A estética do kitsch em onde andará Dulce Veiga?, de Caio Fernando Abreu




This dissertation treats of the concept of kitsch in the novel Onde andará Dulce Veiga? Um romance B (1990), from Caio Fernando Abreu, with the intention of evaluating how and in what level this multiple narrative articulates the speech by using mass art manifestations in a kind of aesthetic and stylistic plurisignification, in a way that this massive genres can be revalued and/or appreciated critically, showing the failure of the distance between massive art and elitist art. Problematizing art and entertainment, the author establishes a polyphonic game with the incorporation of detective novels, noir films, cliché speeches, music and movie references. The kitsch that crosses the entire novel can be observed through the stereotyped construction of characters and spaces, but above all, through an ensemble of speeches from different cultural scopes. In the first chapter, based in critical theoretical works, we talk about the kitsch nature in its historical cultural context, dealing with the concepts of the cultural industry and mass culture. We also propose, in the second part of the same chapter, a discussion about the avant-garde and the kitsch, with the objective of verifying the dialectics between invention and standardization in the contemporary scene. In the second chapter, we speak about the contemporary Brazilian fiction situation within the 70s, 80s and 90s. In general, we noticed that this literary production opened to a new intertextual and metafictional dialogue, promoting new possibilities of reading and apprehending the artistic object. In this sense, the debate about postmodernism was present in this chapter to show its ways in contemporary fiction. The third chapter was dedicated to the literary project of Caio Fernando Abreu, mainly the texts which use the post moderns parody, pastiche and irony with the aim of showing the author s "B side". In the closing chapter, we talk about the novel exploiting its crossing with the massive genre, the aesthetics of kitsch in opposition with the noir one and the construction of Dulce Veiga s character as a myth of the mass culture.


ficção brasileira - história e crítica pós-modernismo (literatura) kitsch brazilian fiction - history and criticism postmodernism (literature)

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