A estela de MESA: uma introdução à arqueologia e à literatura de Moab




This dissertation introduces the archaeological and literary aspects of Moab, thematic with a lack of publications in Portuguese language. It discusses, firstly, the related facts with the discovery of Meshas Inscription in the second half of the 19th century, the diplomatic disputes that brought about the destruction of it, as well the scientific works that, in the course of following decades, broach this subject. After that, it presents Moabs main geographical and archaeological characteristics, in the time of Late Bronze, Early Iron and Late Iron Ages, giving special attention to the human settlements, but also to the huge buildings and sculptures, considered essential cultural resources to the patrimonial and segmentary Moabite state that used to make domesticmetaphors to attest its hegemony; in addition, it presents Moabs place in Assyrian world, and its value as a commercial route. The translation of Meshas Stela, the philological comments and the analysis of its structure and literary style, points out to an elaborated text from clear literary instruments, used to designate the power of the Moabite monarchy. Such archeological and literary aspects support that Moabs development took place after the end of the Omride Israel domination, and besides that, they propose a new look upon the Hebrew Bible.(AU)


israel mesha ciencias humanas moab arqueologia moab israel literature literatura archaeology musa

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