A ESCRITA HISTÓRICA PARA CRIANÇAS: a experiência de joão ribeiro (1900/1912). / HISTORICAL WRITING FOR CHILDREN: the experience of John Brook (1900/1912).


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation has as object the didactic writing of History for children and objective to describe and to analyze the attributes of this writing - how much to its function, structure and form - in the experience of João Ribeiro. Of this form, the books History of Brazil - Superior Course (1900) and History of Brazil (Rudiments of) - Primary Course (1912), principal sources of this work, were analyzed on the basis of the method of content analysis. With intention to trace the profile of the work for the childhood, we analyze editions comparatively and in we ask them: who makes History? Where the Brazilian experience passes off? How divided was the time? Which is the form of adopted exhibition? Which the dimension and type of text? How is the plot organized in the level of focuses narrative? When comparing the two versions, the results demonstrate that modifications were accomplished in the composition of the historical writing for the childhood, although the common content the two works not to have suffered significant changes. Thus, in the didactic writing of History for children, in João Ribeiro, the amount of propagated substance is reduced, the passed one is worked as dependant of the individual wills, the experience of the cities, States and regions dominate the historical plot, the subjects are followed in sequence chronological with marked periodization for the experience of the politician, the form of historical explanation are predominantly narrative, the argument if structure in paragraphs with short periods and the impersonal way is the main one focuses narrative.


livro didático de história história para crianças joão ribeiro educacao textbook of history history for children joão ribeiro

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