A escola disfarçada em brincadeiras: intelectuais e ideias na criação da revista O Tico-Tico / "The school disguise in jokes": intelectual and ideas in O Tico-Tico magazine


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




O Tico-Tico was one of the first illustrated magazines in Brazil to be conceived for children. It appeared in Rio de Janeiro in 1905, and went on circulation for the following fifty years, despite the unstable press industry. For the power to condense many of its times questions and demands, O Tico-Tico constellate na event. In this thesis, our focus is on the analysis of the birth of the magazine, and the factors that allowed the birth of a magazine that defined a landmark in the childhood of generations of brazilians, as many intelectuals have called it. By following these lines, it is our intention to trace the context of the magazines creation from within its own pages and its illustrations, short stories and lessons to Republics future citizens. Out of press rooms and modernization, with special attention to O Malho magazine, we look for a glimpse on how Rio de Janeiros intellectual campus articulated the proposal and conduction of projects in which national problems were debated, setting sociabilites spaces such as press rooms. O Tico-Tico was one of these projects that intended to embody a blazing intellectual desire to teach kids and young brazilians, as young as Brazil itself.


imprensa ilustrada intelectualidade educação historia do brasil republica o tico-tico (revista) história periódicos para crianças histórias em quadrinhos e crianças illustrated magazines intelectuals education

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