A elaboração e o uso da imagem na construção do conhecimento em geografia.




The present work analyses some possibilities of developing geographical knowledge through the use of images, understood as a mediation to interpret and understand the socio-spatial reality. To do so we studied urban space, specifically the subúrbio ferroviário area in Salvador-BA as a learning space where we developed the datas socio-environment perception, linked to classroom theoretical aproache, that was simultaneously confronted with the urban registration and the knowledge of the urban space The target of this researche was to understand how students build / reach geographical knowledge, through exercises which try to stimulate the urban environment perception, the elaboration/production of images about the cities allied to oral/written narratives. The theoretical reference used in this research was based on phenomenology aproaches of Humanistic Geography in relation to cultural perspectives. We privileged qualitative approaches of Human Geography, especially those linked to ethnographic methods focused on the analyses of school every-day-life and environment empiric studies; on the description and contextualization of spatial aspects, on the construction of mental maps and written narratives. The analysis allowed us to understand how students build some central concepts of Geographical thought such as place, landscape and social space, when they try to elaborate new cognitive schemes.


lugar social space image place percepção ambiental imagem e fotografia photography and mental map environmental perception educacao

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