A dogmatização da teoria : a contradição como negação da falta no discurso do professor de linguas




The object of this thesis is the discourse of English as Foreign Language teaching and learning and Portuguese as mother language teacher in service courses. A paradox was the starting point of this study: the coexistence of teacher-students submission to the new theories, during the teacher in services courses, and complains about their resistances to those theories, at the university. Our central hypothesis is that teacher-students take theories as dogma, as unquestionable truths, because there is a transference of the academic "mythification" of theories to those courses (Coracini, 1998: 34). The teachers resistances to new theories are explained for taking something as dogma presupposes faith, and faith presupposes doubt. We adopt the French perspective to Discourse Analysis and some Psychoanalysis concepts as theoretical and methodological framewrk. Tbrough our analysis, we concluded that, although the discourse produced in teacher in service courses is shaped by the discoursive imaginary, responsible for de dogmatic and logocentric way theories are taken, it permits the deconstruction ofthese processes. Those processes reproduce two Greek traditions: the model teleology and social division of the work. These traditions are responsible for the truth regime (Foucault, 1971/1996: 10) which is constituted by the procedures of appropriation and distribution of the scientific discourse, therefore, of its access to some and its prohibition to others, producing the connection between the discourse and the power and the desire. This connection appears in the linguistic materiality as contradictions of two types: a social and historical contradiction, constitutive of that discourse, and a psychoanalitic contradiction, constitutive ofthe subjectivation process of the enunciators. In summary, having focused the discourse ofthe teacher in service courses, this thesis shows the impossibilities of separating the constittution of the teatchers and the teacher students subjectivation and the constittution of the theory and of the pratic


subjectivity conferencias subjetividade psicanalise - discursos teacher education linguistic theories professores - formação linguistica psychoanalysis and discourse analysis analise do discurso ensaios

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