A distribuição independente no cinema brasileiro : um estudo sobre a circulação do longa-metragem nacional no mercado de salas, em 2010


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation has the objective of to investigate the distribution of brazilian feature films in home movier theatres by independent distributers in 2010. Identify the behavior of these films in relation to economic and institutional factors that brazilian market. Also, look on the set of weights that separate elements of brazilian cinema audience, even if the production is maintained and continuously increasing since the beginning the of century. The study analyzes three films, with the intention of improving the explanation of the topic. They are: Tropa de Elite 2 (Elite Squad 2, José Padilha, 2010), 400 contra 1: uma história do crime organizado (400 against 1: a history of organized crime, Caco Souza, 2010) and Segurança Nacional (National Security, Roberto Carminatti, 2010).


comunicacao comunicaÇÃo social cinema - brasil indÚstria cinematogrÁfica

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