A disciplina de ética na formação do profissional do direito




The philosophical reflection and the educative concern lead us to the inquiry about how to transform information into knowledge and the questioning about the construction of the society, also situating the yearning to answer the question of how a person is constituted. These are fundamental questions because they investigate about the roots, the reason of the things. Starting from this premise, has being developed a research that aims to analyze the university action in the process of the students ethical education, whos are going to be graduated in Law. The ethical education aims to form citizens with rights, social agents, compromised on the changing, participation, transformation and construction of a truly democratic, human and solidary society. In this process the university is sets out through it is ethics subject, arouses the conscience of de academic in law to the professional practice imbued with social responsibility. Using as a theoretical referential, Michel Foucaults work which takes place in his latest phase that talks about ethics, because according to him: ethics is a kind of relationship one ought to have with oneself, in other words, its not the case for proposing a fundamentals that turns to legitimate a code (even a minimum one), but to ask oneself the way the individual is constituted while morally responsible for his actions; it is supposed to accept the variability and the diversity, to think about ethics as creation of liberty and through liberty, and to think about the individual as self-creation. It is used a documental research as methodology, consulting archives, whose memories represent: the historic of the law course in Brazil; the ethical education (while a subject in the laws graduation course); and a bibliographic revision about the ethical conceptions and the ethical formation. Through the archeogenealogical analyses, in levels of implicit and explicit articulations is highlighted the relationship between domination and subjection presents in our society that leads to the constitution of the university as a disciplinary institution and the student as a moral agent. Has being noticed that the emergent ethical discourse, in the face of social conflicts, contradictions and violence intermediated by the rights, and are not reduced to the academic teaching, because ethic is an individual and a collective posture in the face of the commitments with the social reality.


law course curso de direito formação ética ethical formation educacao

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