A dinâmica de adoção de práticas inovadoras e o desempenho dos adotantes: um estudo na indústria brasileira.




This thesis evaluates the adoption, perceived results and the propensity to continue to use of twelve innovative business practices in the Brazilian industrial scenery, as well as the relation between the adoption of innovative managerial practices and the adopters operational and financial performance, based in a non-probabilistic by convenience sample of 98 companies arranged in a research database from a cross section survey methodology, with 220 companies with more than 150 employees. The results found about the adoption of innovative practices were compared to those found in Peixoto (2004), with no relevant differences found. The relationships between the adoption of innovation and organizational features were investigated. In spite of finding differences between organizational features and innovativeness, no statistically significant differences were found as to state, region and capital ownership. Nevertheless, statistically significant relations were found between organizational innovativeness and size, measured through the number of employees, and financial performance. Later, it was investigated the internal relationships between the practices studied, with the intent of arranging, through factor analysis, those which show any relationship among them in groups or constructs. In the twelve practices investigated were identified three constructs that explain 51,43% of the total variance of the sample innovative practices of management of people, production process and cost and performance. Those constructs were used in a subsequent analysis, aimed at comparing and grouping the companies in clusters that showed similar features. Five clusters were identified intensive innovators, moderate innovators, intensive innovators unconcerned with costs, moderate innovators focused in people management and moderate innovators unconcerned with production. Finally, the relationship between the adoption of the practices and organizational performance, in both the financial and operational dimensions, and still between the propensity to use the practices were investigated, through structural equation modeling. The modeling confirms the existence of associations between the adoption of innovative business practices and operational performance, but no association was found with financial performance.


produtividade industrial administracao da producao indústrias-inovações tecnológicas administração da produção

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