A Desqualificação profissional na educação : um estudo do trabalho dos professores do ensino médio




This study investigates the capitalist production relations, and the object of our research is the analysis of private High-School teachers working processes. It is not our intention to describe the steps nor the ups-and-downs of Brazilian educational system; not even the pedagogical reformations that have been done in the last years; yet, we study the productive process of those professionals, who according to our understanding, are proletarian as well as any other productive worker. Aiming at raising its own value, the capital extends its action to the most varied production areas, at national and international levels. Supported by tech-based improvements on production process, the capital tries to get the highest possible plus-value rate; thanks to the use of systematic technology, leaving the worker a second-place role within the production. That is the context in which we place private schools, the practical aspect of our undertaking, where we noticed that throughout the last twenty years, there has been a significant increase in the number of such institutions, offering their students the most diverse types of learning and producing a specific working routine from their related teachers. Our concern is catching exactly how this capitalist dynamics interferes and disqualifies the referred job.


professores - formação teacher training

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