A desigualdade regional da renda no Brasil: uma anÃlise da hipÃtese de convergÃncia / The regional inaquality of the income in Brazil: an analysis of the convergence hypothesis




This paper analyses the convergence hypothesis among per capita income of Brazilian states and counties from 1970 to 2000. By means of cross-sections regressions, temporal analysis of dispersion, non-parametric estimates of probability distribution, as well as, Markovâs matrices of transition, the hypothesis of absolute convergence among state and municipal geographic units has been rejected. During the period of analysis, the polarization of per capita income was found in two convergence clubs, both in relation to states and counties. The first is comprised of geographic units of Northern and Northeastern regions, the second of Southeastern, Southern and Central-Western areas. Except in the 1980âs, a strong process of absolute convergence among the units of those subgroups was indentified. The hypothesis of conditional convergence of municipal per capita income was also found. The human capital measured by means of levels of education and rate of municipal urbanization indicates that these are the conditioning variables of greater relevance for the convergence process.


convergence economia crescimento econÃmico polarizaÃÃo polarization regional inequalities economic growth desigualdades regionais convergÃncia

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