A desconstrução do esquema gráfico aplicado ao ensino de desenho para crianças cegas




The current dissertation is inserted in drawings teaching studies in the non visuality scope and presents a proposal of procedures elaborated from a group of drawings done by standard kids. For that, it started from the presuppose that blind children build graphic schemes after an education and drawings elements exercises, it means, lines and basic geometrical figures, and with that they may reach similar results to standard kids drawings. Thereby, in this proposals context, the drawings elements will be used to build the component of drawing, which will build the graphic scheme of the object as a whole. To the theoretical base, it was approached the communicational aspects of the drawing, as well as the process of graphical representation in childhood, from the studies of B. Darras, S. G. Coutinho and M. L. B. Duarte. What refers to non visuality, L. Bardisa, M. L. B. Duarte and F. J. de Limas methodologies were studied, and the first two ones talk about the teaching of the drawing to blind children, and the last one talks about the recognizing of tangible bi-dimensional figures. The data raised in this field research, performed with four blind students, presented results that helped in the sense of revealing that the use of images tactile-visual, natural objects and tri-dimensional scale models contributed as mediators in the process of education and learning in this context. The study performed in eight individual drawing sessions showed that the students started to build graphic schemes similar to the ones done by standard children, suggesting a possible applicability of the method


desenho infantil comunicação desenho estudo e ensino cegos inclusive education communication esquemas gráficos artes educação inclusiva crianças deficientes visuais cegueira blindness graphical schemes childish drawing

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