Teachers and other professionals engaged in the educational system should be prepared to identify and evaluate the possible signs of intra or extrafamilial violence. Therefore the secret agreement creates conditions and difficulties which disguise the indicators of occurrences of sexual abuse in multiple contexts. And, many times it will be in the school environment that children and adolescents will break the silence to ask for help. This work aimed to investigate the effects of those situations in a public school located in a neighborhood in the inner city of Rio Grande/RS. Seven teachers from the fundamental school years were participants of this research project. The proposal was elaborated with the theoretical basis of the bioecology of human development and corresponds to the research approaches of non formal and informal education. The methodology of the present research was realized in two moments: the first consisted of the diagnostic of the school dynamics in the cases of suspicion and/or confirmation of a students sexual abuse. This phase had the following organization of procedures: a) reflexive interviews with teachers; b) focal group with the participant teachers and c) application of incomplete sentence game. The second moment consisted in the application of the Intervention Program. The blocks of themes were organized based on the analyses of the first procedures. The program focused on orientating the educators to build strategies to have an attitude of denouncing sexual abuse legitimating the protective role of the teachers and of the school. The themes were presented in the following order: Block 1 Sexual Abuse: definitions, signs and victimization of children/adolescent; Block 2 - Family and violence: determinants factors; Block 3 Legal aspects of sexual abuse; Block 4 - Denunciation and Responsibilities of the educators; Block 5 Case studies: during this block there was the presentation of practical cases to the teachers in order to observe the follow-up actions of them. In the sequence a meeting was organized to get the group feedback about the steps of this research. The diagnostic showed that families stay usually far over the walls and gates of the school and there were detected episodes that suggest the relational distance among teachers/school workers and students families. Most teachers showed a discourse marked by the negative characteristics of the families and by their limited knowledge of childrens everyday life. In relation to the situation of sexual abuse, the educators recognized their difficulties and their non knowledge on the issue. They emphasized the need of having support of the community network and referred to actions that put the abused children and their families away from school. The intervention program application aimed to fill in these needs through offering instruments to the teachers and other school workers. Therefore, the workers never came to the meetings which suggest little institutional interest for these situations. Following this last moment, a meeting was realized with the invitation of some members that represented the social network: Sentinela Service and Tutelar Council in order to exchange information and clear up doubts on their roles. The teachers showed satisfaction with their participation and suggested the repetition of the program in different school contexts.


adolescente child abuso sexual denúncia teachers educacao sexual abuse criança denunciation professores adolescent

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