A decoração nas residências de elite: a produção material e simbólica dos espaços da casa / The home decoration of the elites: the material and symbolic production of the houses spaces




This study compares and analyses domestic interior decoration within sectors of the elites from the city of São Paulo. The investigation of such practice is here understood as one revealing of its social functions, as its capacities in affirming social positions, expressing identities, power of consumption, and producing social distinctions in the physical space of the home. The examination of the material and symbolic dimension of those spaces is accomplished trough interviews with residents and the photographic recording of the visited interiors. Two other sources of information also contribute to this analysis: recent editions of Brazilian magazines specialized in home decoration, and qualitative interviews with professionals dedicated to interior decoration who works for the São Paulos elites. The investigation of the role of these medias in the process of production of contemporary domestic interiors and its receptions from the interviewed residents along with the analysis of the perceptions of these professionals regarding the requirements of their clients contribute to the comprehension of the diversity of aspects of the interior decoration.


consumo consumption decoração decoration domestic space elites elites espaço doméstico modos de vida ways of life

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