A dança no projeto "Arte, educação e cidadania" : um relato de experiencia / The dance in the project "Art, education and citizenship" : an account




This paper is an account of a personal experience with a pedagogical intervention using the dance as an educational proposal within a social action project named ?Art, Education and Citizenship?. This project was the result of a partnership between the Federation of the Welfare Entities of Campinas - Odila and Lafayette Alvaro Foundation (FEAC), ABS Bosch, and the Municipal City Hall of Campinas. The invitation to join the technical team was encouraged by the success of another similar project called Love for Life without Drugs , created and coordinated by this same Foundation. The project Art, Education and Citizenship which took place at the Community Centre of the neighbourhood Jardim Santa Rosa mphasized the integral development of children and adolescents by exploring special artistic expressions, such as dance and percussion. The methodological approach related to dance within this project was discussed and oriented by the School Physical Education Research Group of UNICAMP (State University of Campinas), and coordinated by Professor Jorge Sérgio Pérez Gallardo. During the dance workshops, a field journal was created in which all significant events were registered. The educational proposal was applied from July to December 2005. Following the methodological proposal pointed by Appolinário (2006), all these events, as well as the personal impressions on them, were described in the journal. In the end of this paper, some reflections on the results of the adopted proposal are made, looking forward to contributing with some guidelines to those running pedagogical proposals in social intervention projects like the one here presented.


interação social dança dance pedagogical intervation intervenção pedagogica social interaction

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