A crítica ao eruditismo no jovem Nietzsche


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This present dissertation treats the issue of erudition in the young Nietzsche, based on the works: The Birth of Tragedy, Untimely Meditations II, Thoughts on the Future of Our Educational Institutions and Untimely Medidations III. It seeks to analyze how much this theme inserts itself in a larger topic, viz, the own formation of human being and his cultural ideas. Given this, the dissertation is divided in three moments: 1º An approach of The Birth of Tragedy, with emphasis on the Nietzsche s interpretations about Greece, Apolo and Dionisio, the tragedies and his criticism of socratic (euripidean) racionality (scientism), showing that this approaches are anti-erudition; 2º Analysis of Untimely Meditations II, with special focus on the loss that history brings to life, considering that it may become just a source of erudition; 3º, Investigation of the works Thoughts on the Future of Our Educational Institutions and Untimely Meditations III, with respect to the themes: importance and obedience that must be given to the classics (a genuine formation does not treat them only as a source of erudition), the problem of erudition and the problems and dilemmas of university philosophy. This way, it seeks the understanding in which level Nietzsche has an educational project that suppresses the project of erudition, valuing the students experiences, and not just science.


educação - filosofia erudição - história - idade média educação - história tragédia filosofia education philosophy learnine and scholarship history education history tragedy philosophy

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