A criança com baixa visão e o desempenho escolar : caracterização do uso do residuo visual




An investigation was carried out with five individuaIs at ages ranging from six years and six months to seven years and six months, having subnormal vision due to toxoplasmosis. All enrolled in first grade regular school and having experienced previous scholarization. The objective of this study was to investigate the utilization of visual residue in school work through an evaluation abridging visual functioning and psychopedagogical status. Visual functioning covered far and near acuity, contrast sensivity, vision of colours and a qualitative test to check residual vision utilization in a computer work using the Logo language. The psychopedagogical evaluation was conducted as a Diagnosis of Operative Behaviour ( from Piaget) which determined that the individuaIs were between pré-operative and transition to operative of the cognitive devefopment state. Both family and teachers answered questionaires pointing degrees of difficulties present during c1asswork. Par visual acuity of the individuaIs for the best eye with best correction, was in yhe range 20/80 to 20/160, therefore situating them into Group III-Moderate Subnormal Vision of WHO s classification. Near contrast sensitivity and vision of colours didn t show differences as compared to I,what is expected from children with normal vision. The work with Logo showed an excellent response for the utilization of visual residue when conditions are favourable. Results demonstrated that difficulties with class work were lesser than those reported by teachers, thus leading to the conc1usion that individual s performance is dictated by their rhythm rather than seeing difficulties. Teachers who received informations to operate with low vision children declared thát they were not properly oriented which demonstrates the need for proper instrumentalization.


interação escolar professores logo (linguagem de programação de computador) desenvolvimento cognitivo

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